
PoliVOTE’s founder

Joanne Cotterill has a background of over 10 years facilitating community engagement in Local Government. In this time she managed Council's Community Services projects and worked with a diverse range of community groups including:

  • Aboriginal Communities
  • Aged communities
  • Children
  • People with a Disability
  • Migrant Communities
  • Women
  • Youth

Joanne was also responsible for community engagement and project management around issues such as:

  • Crime Prevention
  • Affordable Housing
  • Public Transport
  • Sport and Recreation
  • Health Care

Joanne has qualifications in Social Work, Psychology and Business. She is passionate about giving people a say on the decisions that affect their lives. Joanne runs her own private counselling business. Joanne completed her Graduate Certificate in Social Impact with a focus on writing about organisations that promote Democracy in Australia and NZ.

Joanne works to assist all those around her to identify and chase their dreams. As a side hobby Joanne has always loved working with databases, “I somehow just get them” she laughs. PoliVOTE brings together these passions and in the process works to bring about The Evolution of Democracy.